Position | Director of the group | Full professor Fax | (+34) 971 173003 Office phone | (+34) 971 173201 Email | goliver@uib.eu
Gabriel Oliver received a degree in Physics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. His major research interests are marine robotics, real-time vision and control architectures for autonomous mobile robots. He has been the responsible of research projects granted by the European Commission, the Spanish Government and Regional Administration, mainly related to underwater robotics. He is currently Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Universitat de les Illes Balears where he is the Director of the Systems, Robotics and Computer Vision Group (SRV). He has been the Spanish Chapter chair of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society from 2007 to 2014. Since 2017 he is member of the IFAC Marine Systems Technical Committee.
Publication Statistics: ResearcherID ORCID Google Scholar Exaly
• PLOME: Platform for Long-lasting Observation of Marine Ecosystems
• COOPERAMOS - COOPErative Resident robots for Autonomous ManipulatiOn Subsea -- Vi-SMART Visual Sensing for Multi-iAUV opeRaTions.
• In Situ Bio-Chemometrics: Adaptive Robotics at Barkley Canyon & Hydrate Ridge
• eUReady4OS - Underwater Robotics Ready for Oil Spill
• Formación superior en nuevas tecnologías marinas
• CLARS – Acoustic System for the Communication and Localization of an Underwater Robot
• SUPERION - Optical Systems for Enhanced Underwater Perception and Intervention
• TRITON — Multisensory Based Underwater Intervention through Cooperative Marine Robots
• TRIDENT — Marine Robots and Dexterous Manipulation for Enabling Autonomous Underwater Multipurpose Intervention Missions
• VISUAL — Vision for submarine intervention using autonomous vehicles
• AIRSUB — AUV Guide and Positioning for submarine cable inspection
• RAO II — Remote Autonomous Underwater Robot II
• RAO — Remote Autonomous Underwater Robot
• ConBoSer: Incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en la caracterización del estado de conservación de los bosques submarinos de Baleares y su contribución a servicios ecosistémicos
• DETECPOS: DEvelopment of new TEChnologies for the automatic and periodic assessment of changes in POSidonia meadows due to anthropogenic causes
• sinAPsis: programa d’Aprenentatge Profund des de la Euroregió Pirineus Mediterrània
• TRASMAR: Evaluating the impact of fishing with “Trasmallo” in benthic habitats to innovate migigation actions collaborating with the spanish fishing sector.
• INVHALI: A new Invasive Algae in the Mediterranean: invasiveness, detection and eradication of Tropical Algae Halimeda incrassata
• IDAV - Development and Test of Automated Techniques for Inspection and Visual Documentation of Large Structures by means of Aerial Vehicles
• Reactive Qualitative Visual Navigation
• Localization and Mapping in Large Environments Using Ultrasonic Sensors
• Task Allocation Methods for Multi-Robot Systems
• Physics-Based Vision Algorithms