Design, construction and deployment of mobile robots, including AUVs and UAVs. Multi-robot communications and task assignment in complex scenarios. Innovative simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) techniques for robot navigation and 3D reconstruction.
Algorithms for image processing, visual navigation and scene reconstruction. Monocular and stereo vision systems. Advanced multisensory systems for aerial, terrestrial and underwater robots.
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Latest publications
AUV Localization and Pipes detection and mapping experiments for COOPERAMOS National Project in UJI,
From 1/07 to 4/07 the Marine Robotics Team of the SRV performed the Localization and Mapping experiments relative to the COOPERAMOS project in the water tank of CIRTESU - Interative and Robotics System Lab, University Jaume I (UJI) in Castellón.
Presentation in the Sysmposium of Monitoring Mediterranean Coastal Areas, of the project for the detection of Halimeda Incrassatta in Cabrera national Park
This week the SRV has presented some results of the project for the detection of Halimeda Incrassatta in Cabrera National Park, in the Sysmposium of Monitoring Mediterranean Coastal Areas, in Livorno (Tuscany).
Towards a Node Active Replication Schema for Highly Reliable Distributed Control Systems Based on TSN
Given their nature, many control applications that arise from the integration of Operation Technologies (OT) and Information Technologies (IT) are built on top of highly reliable real-time (RT) Distributed Control Systems (DCSs). Since a DCS is made up of several...
Characterizing the Tradeoff between Fault Tolerance and Cost of Redundant TSN Networks
New emerging Distributed Control Systems (DCSs), like Substation Automation Systems (SASs) of Smart Power Grids, raise new requirements on their underlying control networks. To meet these new requirements, both Industry and Academia are promoting the Time-Sensitive...
Deep learning for detection and counting of Nephrops norvegicus from underwater videos, ICES Journal of Marine Science
Mapping IEC 61850 GOOSE messages into Time-Sensitive Networking
Modern electrical Substation Automation Systems (SAS) are designed following the guidelines defined in the IEC 61850 standard. This standard specifies the necessary information models and communication services for SAS in such a...
Controlling the expansion of Halimeda Incrassata in the Cabrera Natural Park using robots and photo-mosaics
Automated Mask Generation for Efficient YOLO-based Instance Segmentation in Marine Environments for Fish Detection
This paper addresses the laborious, time-consuming and error-prone process of generating ground truth data to perform instance segmentation of fish in their natural habitat. Our proposal is to use the Segment Anything Model (SAM), which allows zero-shot inference, to...
Combining Progressive Hierarchical Image Encoding and YOLO to Detect Fish in their Natural Habitat
This paper explores the advantages of evaluating Progressive Image Encoding (PIE) methods in the context of the specific task for which they will be used. By focusing on a particular task —fish detection in their natural habitat— and a specific PIE algorithm...