Position | Associate professor Fax | +34971173003 Office phone | +34971172911 Email | antoni.burguera@uib.es
• ARSEA - Augmented Reality Subsea Exploration Assistant
• Localization and Mapping in Large Environments Using Ultrasonic Sensors
• ConBoSer: Incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en la caracterización del estado de conservación de los bosques submarinos de Baleares y su contribución a servicios ecosistémicos
• PLOME: Platform for Long-lasting Observation of Marine Ecosystems
• COOPERAMOS - COOPErative Resident robots for Autonomous ManipulatiOn Subsea -- Vi-SMART Visual Sensing for Multi-iAUV opeRaTions.
• DETECPOS: DEvelopment of new TEChnologies for the automatic and periodic assessment of changes in POSidonia meadows due to anthropogenic causes
• INVHALI: A new Invasive Algae in the Mediterranean: invasiveness, detection and eradication of Tropical Algae Halimeda incrassata
• IDAV - Development and Test of Automated Techniques for Inspection and Visual Documentation of Large Structures by means of Aerial Vehicles
• eUReady4OS - Underwater Robotics Ready for Oil Spill
• MOCAP - MAV Tracking System for Performance Evaluation in Inspection Applications
• Formación superior en nuevas tecnologías marinas
• CLARS – Acoustic System for the Communication and Localization of an Underwater Robot
• TRITON — Multisensory Based Underwater Intervention through Cooperative Marine Robots
• TRIDENT — Marine Robots and Dexterous Manipulation for Enabling Autonomous Underwater Multipurpose Intervention Missions
• VISUAL — Vision for submarine intervention using autonomous vehicles
• ARSEA - Augmented Reality Subsea Exploration Assistant
• Localization and Mapping in Large Environments Using Ultrasonic Sensors
• ConBoSer: Incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en la caracterización del estado de conservación de los bosques submarinos de Baleares y su contribución a servicios ecosistémicos
• PLOME: Platform for Long-lasting Observation of Marine Ecosystems
• COOPERAMOS - COOPErative Resident robots for Autonomous ManipulatiOn Subsea -- Vi-SMART Visual Sensing for Multi-iAUV opeRaTions.
• DETECPOS: DEvelopment of new TEChnologies for the automatic and periodic assessment of changes in POSidonia meadows due to anthropogenic causes
• INVHALI: A new Invasive Algae in the Mediterranean: invasiveness, detection and eradication of Tropical Algae Halimeda incrassata
• IDAV - Development and Test of Automated Techniques for Inspection and Visual Documentation of Large Structures by means of Aerial Vehicles
• eUReady4OS - Underwater Robotics Ready for Oil Spill
• MOCAP - MAV Tracking System for Performance Evaluation in Inspection Applications
• Formación superior en nuevas tecnologías marinas
• CLARS – Acoustic System for the Communication and Localization of an Underwater Robot
• TRITON — Multisensory Based Underwater Intervention through Cooperative Marine Robots
• TRIDENT — Marine Robots and Dexterous Manipulation for Enabling Autonomous Underwater Multipurpose Intervention Missions
• VISUAL — Vision for submarine intervention using autonomous vehicles
A. Burguera. Combining Progressive Hierarchical Image Encoding and YOLO to Detect Fish in their Natural Habitat. In 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, pp. 333-340, 2024.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. Deep learning for detection and counting of Nephrops norvegicus from underwater videos, ICES Journal of Marine Science. In ICES Journal of Marine Science, Great Britain, Oxford Academic, vol. Complete Lsit of Authors: Antoni Burguera, Francisco Bonin-Font, Damianos Chatzievangelou (ICM), Maria Vigo Fernandez (ICM), Jacopo Aguzzi (ICM), no. fsae089, June, 2024.
X. Rovira, A. Burguera. Automated Mask Generation for Efficient YOLO-based Instance Segmentation in Marine Environments for Fish Detection. In International WorkShop on Marine Technologies (MARTECH) , Palma (Spain), 2024.
R. Fos, A. Burguera. Using Deep Neural Networks to Detect and Track Fish in Underwater Video Sequences. In MTS/IEEE Oceans conference, Limerick (Ireland), 2023.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. Mesopelagic Crustacean Habitat Identification and Analysis Using Deep Learning. In International WorkShop on Marine Technologies (MARTECH) and Instrumentation ViewPoint 2023 Journal, 2023.
A. Burguera. Hierarchical Color Encoding for Progressive Image Transmission in Underwater Environments. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , IEEE, IEEE, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2970-2975, May, 2023.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera. Image Compression for Underwater Multi-Robot Loop Closing. In IEEE Oceans , 2023.
A. Burguera. Robust Underwater Visual Graph SLAM using a Siamese Neural Network and Robust Image Matching. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Virtual, 2022.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, E. Guerrero, A. Martorell. Combining Deep Learning and Robust Estimation for Outlier-Resilient Underwater Visual Graph SLAM. In Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Special Issue Advances in Autonomous Underwater Robotics Based on Machine Learning, MDPI, vol. 10, no. 4:511, pp. 30, april, 2022.
A. Burguera. A Loop Selection Front-end for Underwater Visual GraphSLAM. In Oceans, Hampton Roads (USA, Virtual), 2022.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. Progressive Hierarchical Encoding for Image Transmission in Underwater Environments. In Oceans, Hampton Roads (USA, Virtual), 2022.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Image Hashing for Loop Closing in Underwater Visual SLAM. In MARTECH - THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MARINE TECHNOLOGY, 2021.
A. Burguera. Lightweight Underwater Visual Loop Detection and Classification using a Siamese Convolutional Neural Network. In 13th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles (CAMS), Oldenburg (Germany) - On-line, 2021.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera. Towards Multi-Robot Visual Graph-SLAM for Autonomous Marine Vehicles. In Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, Special Issue Localization, Mapping and SLAM in Marine and Underwater Environments, vol. 8, no. 437, 2020.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. Visual Loop Detection in Underwater Robotics: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach. In Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Berlin - Virtual, 2020.
A. Burguera. Inter-Beat Interval Estimation from Extremely Noisy Single Lead Electrocardiograms. In Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Berlin - Virtual, 2020.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. On-Line Multi-Class Segmentation of Side-Scan Sonar Imagery Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, Special Issue Localization, Mapping and SLAM in Marine and Underwater Environments, MDPI, vol. 8, no. 557, July, 2020.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. An Unsupervised Neural Network for Loop Detection in Underwater Visual SLAM. In Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer, 2020.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera. NetHALOC: A learned global image descriptor for loop closing in underwater visual SLAM. In Expert Systems, Wiley On Line Library, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 23, 2020.
A. Burguera. Segmentation through patch classification: A neural network approach to detect Posidonia oceanica in underwater images. In Ecological Informatics, Elsevier, Elsevier, vol. 56, pp. 101053, January, 2020 .
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. Towards Visual Loop Detection in Underwater Robotics using a Deep Neural Network. In Intenational Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Valetta (Malta), 2020.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. A Trajectory-Based Approach to Multi-Session Underwater Visual SLAM Using Global Image Signatures. In Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, vol. 7, no. 8, August, 2019.
A. Burguera. Cluster-based Scan Matching for Robust Motion Estimation and Loop Closing. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Bari (Italy), 2019.
A. Burguera. Using Machine Learning and Heart Rate Variability Features to Predict Epileptic Seizures. In European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM), Palma (Spain), 2019.
A. Burguera. Fast QRS Detection and ECG Compression Based on Signal Structural Analysis. In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 123-131, January, 2019.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font. Towards Multi Session Visual SLAM in Underwater Environments Colonized with Posidonia Oceanica. In IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium, Porto, 2018.
A. Burguera. Underwater Localization using Probabilistic Sonar Registration and Pose Graph Optimization. In IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Symposium, Porto (Portugal), 2018.
F. Bonin-Font, M. Massot, A. Burguera. ARSEA: A Virtual Reality Subsea Exploration Assistant. In 11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, 2018.
Y. González, A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, A. Matamoros. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Strategies to Identify Posidonia Meadows in Underwater Images. In MTS/IEEE OCEANS17 Aberdeen , Aberdeen, Scotland, 2017.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, E. García. Building Large-Scale Coverage Maps of Posidonia Oceanica using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In MTS/IEEE Oceans, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2017.
A. Burguera. A Novel Approach to Register Sonar Data for Underwater Robot Localization. In IEEE IntelliSys, London, UK, 2017.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, J. Luís. Visual Discrimination and Large Area Mapping of Posidonia Oceanica Using a Lightweight AUV. In IEEE Access, IEEE, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 24479-24494, 2017.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, J. Luís, A. Belén. Towards Automatic Visual Sea Grass Detection in Underwater Areas of Ecological Interest. In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Berlin, 2016.
M. Solbach, F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Robust WorldCentric Stereo EKF Localization with Active Loop Closing for AUVs. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Rusia, Pleiades Publishing - SPRINGER, Yuri I. Zhuravlev, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 205-215, 2016.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver. High-Resolution Underwater Mapping Using Side-Scan Sonar. In PLOS ONE, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-41, January, 2016.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, G. Oliver. Trajectory-Based Visual Localization in Underwater Surveying Missions. In Sensors, MDPI, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1708-1735, 2015 .
A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Building High Resolution Maps of Large Subsea Areas Using Side-scan Sonar. In Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automática, Bilbao, pp. 842 - 849, 2015.
D. Moreno, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Side Scan Sonar images based SLAM. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2014.
, F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera. 6DOF EKF SLAM in Underwater Environments. University of the Balearic Islands, 2014.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, G. Oliver. Towards Robust Image Registration for Underwater Visual SLAM. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications (VISSAP), Lisbon, pp. 539-544, 2014.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Underwater Visual SLAM using a Bottom-Looking Camera. March, 2014.
, F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, G. Oliver, D. Paulus. Stereo EKF Pose-based SLAM for AUVs. In Open German-Russian Workshop on PATTERN RECOGNITION and IMAGE UNDERSTANDING, Koblenz, 2014.
A. Burguera, F. Bonin-Font, G. Oliver. Reducing the computational cost of underwater visual SLAM using dynamic adjustment of overlap detection. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Barcelona, 2014.
F. Bonin-Font, P. L. Negre, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. LSH for Loop Closing Detection in Underwater Visual SLAM. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Barcelona, 2014.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Intensity Correction of Side-Scan Sonar Images. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2014), Barcelona, 2014.
D. Moreno, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. SSS-SLAM: An Object Oriented Matlab Framework for Underwater SLAM using Side Scan Sonar. In XXXV Jornadas de Automática, Valencia, 2014.
A. Burguera, J. Guerrero. Lenguaje ensamblador en el siglo XXI: desarrollo de videojuegos como elemento motivador. In ReVision, 2014.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, A. Ortiz, G. Oliver. A Monocular Mobile Robot Reactive Navigation Approach Based on the Inverse Perspective Transformation. In Robotica, Cambridge University Press, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 225-249, 03, 2013.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. New Solutions in Underwater Imaging and Vision Systems. In Imaging Marine Life, Wiley VCH GmbH, Dr Emmanuel G. Reynaud, 2013.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. RANSAC based data association for underwater visual SLAM. In Proceedings of ROBOT 2013 - First Iberian Robotics Conference, Madrid, 2013.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, A. Ortiz, G. Oliver. Combining Obstacle Avoidance with Robocentric Localization in a Reactive Visual Navigation Task. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2012), Athens, 2012.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, A. Ortiz, G. Oliver. Concurrent Visual Navigation and Localization using the Inverse Perspective Transformation. In IET Electronic Letters, IET (The Institution of _Engineering and Technology), vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 264–266, 2012.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. The UspIC: Performing Scan Matching Localization Using an Imaging Sonar. In Sensors, MDPI, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 7855-7885, 2012.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Imaging Systems for Advanced Underwater Vehicles. In Journal Of Maritime Research, Spanish Society of Maritime Research (SEECMAR), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 65-86, September, 2011.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Underwater SLAM with Robocentric Trajectory Using a Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotis and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, pp. 3577-3582, 2011.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, A. Ortiz, G. Oliver. Towards Monocular Localization Using Ground Points. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010.
F. Bonin-Font, A. Burguera, A. Ortiz, G. Oliver. Visual Localization using Ground Points. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, pp. 301--310, 2010.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Underwater Scan Matching using a Mechanical Scanned Imaging Sonar. In IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV), Lecce (Italy), 2010.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, Y. González. A Trajectory Based Framework to Perform Underwater SLAM using Imaging Sonar Scans. In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, Y. González. A Measurement Model for Mobile Robot Localization using Underwater Acoustic Images. In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, Y. González. Range Extraction from Underwater Imaging Sonar Data. In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010.
M. Sales, Y. González, A. Burguera. Time Based Correspondences Using Sonar Scan Matching. In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, Y. González. Scan-Based SLAM with Trajectory Correction in Underwater Environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Taipei (Taiwan), 2010.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, Y. González. A Contribution to Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar Sensors. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2009.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Mobile Robot Localization using Particle Filters and Sonar Sensors. In Advances in Sonar Technology, InTech Open, Sergio Rui Silva, pp. 213—232, 2009.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Sonar Sensor Models and Their Application to Mobile Robot Localization. In Sensors (MDPI), vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 10217--10243, 2009.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. On the use of likelihood fields to perform sonar scan matching localization. In Autonomous Robots, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 203--222, 2009.
M. Torres, G. Oliver, A. Burguera. Implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo basado en filtros de partículas para el posicionado de vehículos autónomos submarinos. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2008.
G. Taltavull, M. Fernández, A. Burguera. Implementación y evaluación de técnicas de localización basadas en sensores ultrasónicos y láser. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2008.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Sonar Scan Matching by Filtering Scans using Grids of Normal Distributions. In International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), Baden Baden (Germany), 2008.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. The Likelihood Field approach to Sonar Scan Matching. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Nice (France), 2008.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. A Probabilistic Framework for Sonar Scan Matching Localization. In Advanced Robotics, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1223--1241, 2008.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. The sNDT: A Grid-Based Likelihood Field Approach to Robust and Accurate Sonar Scan Matching Localization. 2007.
M. Sales, A. Burguera, Y. González. Implementación, evaluación y comparación de algoritmos de scan matching basados en sensores ultrasónicos. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2007.
D. Torres, A. Burguera, Y. González. Desarrollo y evaluación de técnicas de detección de balizas en robótica móvil. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2007.
R. Alfaro, A. Burguera, Y. González. Calibración y Evaluación de Algoritmos para el Filtrado de Lecturas de Sensores Ultrasónicos. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2007.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Probabilistic Filtering of Sonar Data. In IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV), Toulouse (France), 2007.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Probabilistic Sonar Scan Matching for Robust Localization. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome (Italy), 2007.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Probabilistic Sonar Filtering in Scan Matching Localization. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Diego (USA), 2007.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Achieving Accurate Mobile Robot Localization by Combining Topological Maps and Raw Sonar Readings. In XXVI Jornadas de Automática 2005 (JA), Alacant (Spain), 2005.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, J. D. Tardos. Robust Scan Matching Localization Using Ultrasonic Range Finders. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Edmonton (Canada), 2005.
S. Forteza, A. Burguera, Y. González. Estudi de tècniques de detecció de balises per a la navegació de robots. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2005.
M. A. Monserrat, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Calibración de los magnetómetros de una unidad inercial MT9. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2005.
J. C. Andreu, A. Burguera, G. Oliver. Calibración de la odometría y los ultrasonidos de un robot móvil para la mejora de la navegación autónoma. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2005.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. A Solution for Integrating Map Building and Self Localization Strategies in Mobile Robotics. In International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 499--521, 2005.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. Exploring an Unknown Environment with a Mobile Robot. In IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV), Lisbon (Portugal), 2004.
A. Burguera. ATHRAIA: Una Arquitectura de Control Híbrida per a la Construcció de Mapes Topològics i la Correcció de la Posició Durant la Navegació. 2003.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. A Robust System for Localization and Mapping While Navigating. In International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Coimbra (Portugal), 2003.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. ATHRAIA: A Hybrid Control Architecture for a World Modeller Robot. In European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Radziejowice (Poland), 2003.
A. Burguera, Y. González, G. Oliver. An Intelligent System for Simultaneous World Modelling and Localization. In 6th Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCIA, Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, vol. 100 - IOS Press), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 2003.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, A. Ortiz. Una herramienta para la experimentación con una celda robótica realimentada por visión. In Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de Informática (JENUI), 2001.
A. Burguera, G. Oliver, A. Ortiz. Guiatge visual d’un braç robot. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2000.